About aphasia

Aphasia is a communication disability that is caused by damage to the language processing centres of the brain, most commonly through stroke. It can affect the ability to speak, read, write and understand what’s being said and is a very frustrating and isolating condition. Aphasia can be mild or severe, depending on the type and extent of damage to the brain.

It is one of the most enduring consequences of stroke and can be the most difficult to overcome.

Depression and low self-esteem are regular side-effects of the condition and stress upon family members is great. An estimated 152,000 strokes occur every year in the UK and there are an estimated 900,000 stroke survivors living in England. Research shows that 33% of stroke survivors experience difficulties with communication. There are thought to be over 350,000 people in the UK living with aphasia.

Progressive aphasias

A gradual loss of language ability can be the first symptom of a rare type of dementia called Primary Progressive Aphasia. People who notice a significant deterioration in their ability to use words to express themselves, or difficulty reading or following conversation should see their GP. Diagnosis of Primary Progressive Aphasia is usually made by a specialist team.

At Dyscover, we help people with PPA through our Couples Course, combining information giving, learning strategies to manage conversation, and peer support. Click here for more information about our course.

Please click here for our PPA FAQs.

Click here to learn about PPA and how we help.   This is an extract from a podcast published by Dementia Researcher.   To listen to the full podcast please go to https://www.dementiaresearcher.nihr.ac.uk/podcast-mentoring-2/

This video is one person’s impression of the effects of aphasia.

This short film clip compilation demonstrates the different challenges of aphasia.

See the following sites for more information:

asflogo Many people with aphasia find iPads an easier way to use IT.

One of the key benefits is the ability to personalise an iPad by choosing apps which are relevant and useful to the individual.

In this rapidly changing area of technology it is hard to keep abreast of developments.

The Aphasia Alliance have launched a website which is designed to help and aims to provide up to date information about apps and software which might be particularly useful to people with aphasia.

The website is called the Aphasia Software Finder and can be reached by clicking here