Become a corporate partner

Dyscover operates vital services for people with aphasia across the UK – online and in person (in Surrey and South London). Over 100 people attend our groups and courses each week. Dyscover is unique because all of our sessions, programmes and courses are led or overseen by professional speech and language therapists. We follow the Life Participation Approach to Aphasia (LPAA) using supported conversation techniques across our service. For information on LPAA please click here. Our therapists are supported by a team of trained and dedicated volunteers.

If you would like to get involved and start your corporate journey with us, please contact Jo Matthews, Head of Fundraising via email:

Ways to partner with Dyscover

Nominate Dyscover as your charity of the year and we will work together to design a bespoke partnership that offers range of volunteering and engagement opportunities that will be fun and engaging for your employees. To get involved email Jo Matthews, Head of Fundraising via email

Sponsoring a Dyscover event will provide your brand with excellent exposure and awareness and help introduce you to new audiences. Sponsorship also allows us to save costs, so we can use the money to support areas where the need is greatest.

We recycle ink cartridges and foreign/old coins at Dyscover, which are great fundraising initiatives. If you would like to donate used ink cartridges or foreign/old coins we have collection boxes at our HQ in Leatherhead or can provide you with the means to collect yourself. Perhaps your office/company has a CSR policy this type of initiative might support?

Have you got a great idea how to fundraise for Dyscover? Do you want to host an event for us? Do something as an individual, family or team? Do you need ideas? Or would you like to join an organised event? Take on an endurance or sporting challenge perhaps? Or are bake sales and open gardens more up your street? We welcome any offers of support and are always happy to discuss ideas. To get involved email Jo Matthews, Head of Fundraising via email

Donate now

A gift of:
£25 subsidises a challenge activity
£50 covers new volunteer training
£200 helps us produce group communication aids
£900 would provide a bursary in times of need
£3000 funds a Communication Partners course

Other ways to support

Meet our volunteers


Dyscover Champion Legacies

Trusts and foundations

Remember us in your will