Anyone can refer to Dyscover (with the individual’s prior permission). i.e discharging NHS professionals, Relatives/Friends, Self-referrals and other health care workers.

For our main aphasia services, aphasia must be the main communication problem (mild-severe) and without significant difficulties with memory, concentration, perception or behaviour. This may be caused by stroke or another head trauma. We have different groups for people at different stages of their recovery. For face-to-face groups we require people to be independent in the toilet or whose continence can be managed for the duration of the session.

For people with a diagnosis of Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA)  – a language led dementia, the main symptom should be a progressive loss of speech and language, with relatively preserved insight and memory. Different terminology can often be used so do contact us if unsure. We work to maintain practical everyday communication, and so prefer to include a spouse or other family member in our support sessions and interventions.